Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Tuesday Linky Goodness

I'm not doing anything at work but surfing the World Wide Web, so I thought I would share some interesting links I've come across the past couple days:

-The Office has put the city of Scranton, PA on the map and Scranton looks to cash in. (and thank god they are airing a new episode this week...its been too long.)

-I just read this article about a secret FBI intelligence unit interrogating a group of war protesters back in 2002. Apparently, they were detained because of suspicion in their all black attire which is often associated with Anarchist groups. Up until now the FBI and DC police had denied this incident ever took place, but after the individuals filed a civil lawsuit "newly uncovered" records surfaced to support the protesters claims. To light my fire even more, I listened to this while I was reading the article:

-I find this blogger pretty hysterical (in a funny not a crazy way). I'll always love my town, but you have to admit it can suck to live here sometimes.

-I didn't partake in any Aprils Fools pranks this year, but I enjoyed these sites practical jokes.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Shamrock Fest was awhile ago, but here are a couple pics of my friends and I. I'm working on personalizing this blog a bit more since I won't be able to talk about DC/NoVA happenings for much longer.

This one above is of myself, my friend Lindsay and her boyfriend Ed. Not sure where I got the aviators from or what I'm reaching in my purse for. This is after several hours at the Fest and the Bloody Mary brunch.

So this one is of me and the girls, Lindsay and Derin. I think Derin and I left shortly after this. If its not blatantly obvious to you Derin and I were at a different level than Lindsay was at and it was a loooooong metro ride home.

On another note, I think I was the only person at Shamrock who wasn't wearing green, which is odd cause green is my favorite color. Thumbs up to all the port-a-potties. Unlike past years in Arlington, there were plenty of bathrooms and I never had to wait in line to go. I still prefer the Arlington location if only cause its much closer to home.