Monday, February 19, 2007

I suppose the reason I haven't blogged much recently is that I don't have a whole hell of a lot to talk about. I haven't been going out too much recently and when I have, its usually a disaster (don't ask). For the last few months I was taking over for my co-worker whos been on maternity leave plus still doing all my work, and while that still leaves me some time for internet goofing off, I had moved from my cushy office to a more open area and haven't wanted to risk being caught *gasp* blogging! I'm usually too lazy to blog when I get home cause I'm trying to catch up with the ridiculous TV shows that I let take up about 10-12 hours of my week, time I could be doing something much more proactive, but fuck it, I'm tired and want to invest myself in the characters of The OC rather than have to deal with my own crap.

Its the usual ups and down that I suppose (and HOPE!) many people go through. One week you've been in such a great mood. You get your bills paid on time, you return phone calls, get out of the house and experience something new, put your clothes in the hamper and wash them when it gets full. Then there are those days where you might not feel like getting out of bed so you just lie around watching kiddie and tween movies all day, you put your phone on silent, and go invisible on instant messenger, and the only person you talk to is your cat.

I digress....

I don't know if I really have a point here other than just ramblings. I like to think of myself as being pretty proactive, the kind of person who likes to go out there and try and make a difference instead of just waiting for someone else to do it. Other times, I feel like the rest of my generation. Apathetic to just about everything and "waiting for the world to change" on its own.
Well, we probably have Nirvana and the whole rest of the Grunge phase to thank for that.

Now I must heat up my Minestrone Soup and hope that something exciting and news worthy happens while I'm in my afternoon meeting so I have a reason to watch the evening news. I'm sick of all this Anna Nicole BS.

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