Monday, February 26, 2007

Stuff to do!

Since I am moving out of the area soon, I'm making a list of activities and places in the DC area that I haven't done/been to yet, but always wanted to.

-I just realized the the Air & Space Museum not only has an IMAX, but they have a Planetarium too (duh)! From the sounds of it, its quite a nifty planetarium too :)

-Go to Ben's Chili Bowl. Its infamous and in DC and I've never been. Shame on me. (Plus I gotta see if it beats Vienna Inn's infamous dog, I've heard mixed reports.)

-Def need to hit up Eastern Market. I've kinda wanted to do some meat and cheese shopping, but I've been waiting for a nice day. Of course, when it is nice out I'm broke and I figure, whats the point?!

-Have high tea at the National Cathedral.

-Go to PX. An unmarked bar in an old speakeasy fashion with what sounds like a terrific bar menu.

-And the Eighteenth Street Lounge. Another hidden hangout.

-Go to Hains Point and see The Awakening sculpture.

-Hit up Tryst for a full afternoon of coffee shop atmosphere.

-Skyline Caverns (or some sort of cavern), Monticello, Natural Bridge, Natural Chimneys to name a few things down south. Realistically, these trips won't happen before I leave.

-Drag Bingo!

Okay, thats all I got right now. My head is starting to hurt. Any suggestions?

1 comment:

Jambon said...

I wouldn't mind checking out a few of those destinations myself. But you're on your own with the drag bingo. Regular bingo is scary enough...