Monday, February 26, 2007

Linky Goodness!!!!

Anyone stay up for the Oscars last night? I did. It was mildly entertaining (as usual), but I joined an Oscar pool this year so I had an invested interest in this years winners. The only movie I saw that was nominated was Little Miss Sunshine so my picks were random and I lose. I'm used to never winning these pools anyways. I don't know why I keep throwing my money away...especially when I'll be unemployed in less than two months!

Anyways, heres some links to different things I found interesting:

-I love a band that names itself Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin. Btw, that link will take you to a great music site that isn't blocked from my work computer :)

-Who knew charts and graphs could be fun?!

-Virginia sort of apologizes for slavery.

-Speaking of Virginia (haha...isnt this a blog about growing up NoVA?), Jamestown (and the rest of America) is celebrating its 400th anniversary this year. You can be a part of the American Extravaganza...woo hoo!!!!

-There are the Oscars and then there are the Razzies. Both entertaining.

-This story is just bizarre.

-Great Rolling Stone article about John Stewart and Stephen Colbert. Its pretty old (October), but I just got around to reading it last week. A couple parts I liked:
A fake news show, "The Daily Show," spawned a fake commentator, Colbert, who makes his own fake reality defending the fake reality of a real president, and has government officials on who know the joke but are still willing to be mocked by someone fake. Your shows are like mirrors within mirrors, using a cycle of fakery to get to the truth. You've tapped into a sense in society that nothing, from reality shows to Bushworld, is real anymore. Do you guys ever get confused by your hall of mirrors?

STEWART: I didn't know we were going to have to be high to do this interview.


STEWART: The other night -- this I loved -- O'Reilly said, "Here's why Kim Jong Il did the nuke test: He's trying to influence the American elections, the same reason Iran is ratcheting up." And I just imagine Kim Jong Il, in all his craziness, going, "Claire McCaskill's down by three points to Jim Talent. Launch the nukes! " O'Reilly's problem is not his ability to form rational arguments, because he's a very smart guy. It's his ego.

-St. Patricks Day recipes? I guess theres an appropriate dish for all occasions...I assume the standard ingredient is whiskey.

-Political cartoon of the day:

Thats it for now...if I find something interesting later, I'll add it.

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