Wednesday, January 10, 2007

For this weeks "whats happenin" I'll just start off with an email that I sent to a few friends about our weekend activities:

Hey guys! Just wanted to holla and wish you all a Happy Hump Day :)

What are your plans for this weekend? Friday night I'm going to TT's to see Rachel's first performance with her new band Full Minute of Mercury (you can find them on The Space). The show starts at 9 (supposedly) and is $5 to get it. I know Ashley and Lindsay already expressed interest in going....Derin, down?

She also has a show at DC9 on Saturday which is an EXCELLENT venue kinda close to the 9:30 club, but I'm not sure I want to hit that up two nights in a row. I was thinking it might be fun to go to the Draft House or something though. Little Miss Sunshine & Stranger Than Fiction is playing on Saturday night. ALSO.......if I'm feeling adventurous I may hit up Iota during the day (around 2ish) to see a couple bands, Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin and Harry and the Potters. Uff.........I just saw that one is $10 so I may not go, but who knows.

I guess that's it. Anyone want to join me for any of these events or have some other super plans? I'm not really in the mood to work today (as you might be able to tell!). Have a lovely day all!


So anyways, that's what I plan on doing this weekend. If any of it actually gets done will remain to be seen. If Rachel reads this, please don't think I don't WANT to hear your beautiful voice two nights in a row...I just need to watch the cash flow and I know TTs will be a show in more ways than one ;)

Some other stuff going on in the aire-uh (in gangstah voice):

-Bush is making a televised speech tonight to allegedly unveil his plan to increase the number of US troops in Iraq. Obviously, there is going to be protests going on...this is DC. Heres a list of from the emails I've gotten so far (I don't think I'll be attending any of them, but I support their causes):

Wednesday, January 10 8:30pm
Code Pink and DAWN will be sponsoring demonstrations against the speech that will stupify most Americans and even military folks about increasing the amount of troops in Iraq. WHERE: Lafayette Park - in front of White House WHEN: 8:30pm
Bring your noisemakers!

Thursday January 11 - Major Anti Torture Events
Witness for Torture | Code Pink | DAWN and many other groups and concerned folks will be demanding the closure of Guantanamo and the end of torture as a method of interrogation throughout the world. Click on the website links above to get details.

Lafayette Square, across from White House
Pennsylvania Avenue & Jackson Pl, NW
11 Jan 06:00 PM
MoveOn will be holding signs that state "NO ESCALATION IN IRAQ" and "Wrong way to bring our troops home". We will be chanting "no escalation" themes. If you attended the event last week and kept your signs, bring em' back!!! DC for Democracy is also sponsoring a candlelight vigil to oppose President Bush's call for a troop surge in Iraq. There will be a reading of the names of Iraq War casualties from the DC area, some brief speeches, followed by the candlelight vigil.

Monday Jan 15 -
* Protest the War Mongers at Lockheed Martin
with Peace Action and others
Jan. 15 12:00 pm - 2:30 pm | WHERE: Meet at Davis Library, 6400 Democracy Blvd. Bethesda, MD 20817 | FMI: Larry Callahan 240-888-8947
Protest and Action against Lockheed Martin Manufacturing of Weapons that Primarily Harm Civilians and the Environment. Lockheed Martin's neighbors demand they Stop Making Cluster Bombs, Depleted Uranium Weapons, Advocating for War and Get out of the Neighborhood.

-There's still time to take advantage of DC's Restaurant Week. I've never been able to take advantage of this since I'm usually poor when it's going on and it seems this year is no different. None the less, some people who have a greater income and are in less debt may enjoy :)

-Cartoon America: : Highlights From the Art Wood Collection of Cartoon and Caricature exhibit at the Library of Congress. Its free and going on through Feb. 24. Sounds like a must for comic fans.

-David Lynch will be in town at the Round House Theatre in Bethesda at 6pm. He will be discussing his new book, "Catching the Big Fish: Meditation, Consciousness and Creativity." The event appears to be sold out. For some fun watch David Lynch's daily weather report on his website.

-In case I forget to tell you next week, on Thursday Jan 18, Bill O'Reilly and Steven Colbert will be appearing on each others shows. Can't wait to see it! That's something I'll be DVR-ing for sure :)

Thats all I'll post for now.....back to the grindstone :(

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