Friday, January 05, 2007

New Years Resolutions for 2007

1. Update this blog more often! I found I was a lot more in the "know" about DC happenings when writing this blog just from looking up material. A lot of times I've heard or read about something and think it would be great material for a blog here, but I'm too lazy or too busy to write one out and then I forget about my brilliant idea(s).

2. Try to do one new thing a week or at least twice a month. There is so much to experience in this great world other than lying in bed watching reruns of The Office or going to the same old bar every Saturday night.

3. Quit smoking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I tried this in the fall and was pretty successful with a little wonder drug called Chantix. Then back in November, I ran short of money to buy my perscription and the shit hit the fan in my personal life so I'm back to a pack a day. It disgusts me. If I have to get a second job just to pay for those pills it will be worth it!

4. Quit spending $$ on frivilous things...try to save. This means no more impulse shopping at H&M and Forever 21. No $50 tabs from a night out in Arlington. No cabs when I can just as easily walk or take the bus. And finally, getting a bank account! (no I dont have one...dont bug me about it please.)

5. Keep in touch with people outside my small social circle. Normally, I only hang out with about five different people or so and I've been totally ok with that for quite some time now, but I'm starting to feel guilty about those I've caught up with from MySpace, but have neglected to try to get coffee/a drink/see a show/whatever with any of them. Also, I'm getting bored (not with my friends...just in general). I need new experiences to keep me on my toes (preferably cheap or FREE experiences!)

5. Read more. Right now I'm finishing up The Devil in the White City which was quite a page turner. It made me remember how much I love to read and why I've been wasting my weekend afternoons watching reality shows on MTV. Also on my list of books to read is Special Topics in Calamity Physics, Marie Antoinette: The Journey, Isaac's Storm, and many others.

6. Take my career more seriously. Figure out what the hell I REALLY want to do and take some classes at NOVA to get on track for an Associates Degree (at the very least). Dr. Phil says: "I want you to get excited about your life!"

7. KEEP AND ACCOMPLISH THESE RESOLUTIONS! If Dwight can do it 8 years in a row, I think I can accomplish six goals in a years time.

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